Prayer and Meditation for Love, Light/Balance, & Truth
Sunday 10/04/2020 5pm PDT
No matter what our spiritual Beliefs, we all have questions, some may be: How can I be in charge of myself instead of everyone else being in charge of me? Is there a higher truth of my spiritual connection with God, My Higher Self, or Universal Principles? Who am I and what more is there within me? What is my True Purpose for this Life? With what’s going on right now in the United States and the world what can I do to truly bring True Peace, Harmony, and Wellness to myself and all concerned?
In relation to you, any or all of these questions could apply. Or it could be something totally different that you may want/need to find/experience/live in true peace; within yourself, for yourself, and all concerned.
This is an interactive mini-workshop to assist each individual in aligning with or enhancing their Own True Path, one step at a time.
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